Monday Miscellany: Broken

Happy Monday!

In my family (as I’m sure is the case in every family) there are words and phrases that become family language. Some particular gems are ‘cutty sarks’ for cul de sacs, ‘cross H’s’ for hot cross buns, ‘don’t call me lucky, call me lucky, lucky, lucky’ I have no idea where that came from, ‘little girl with dirty fingernails’ which was my description of myself at a point before I was five*. There’s the whole ‘full head of hair and a filthy temper’ that was my brother describing our Dad and me and questioning his parentage.

All this to explain, ‘no, it’s broken’ is a thing because when my youngest nephew was very small, he was ‘helping’ my brother fix a chair. He looked at it and was asked “Can we fix it?”. His reply was “No, it’s broken”. To every question…

On Saturday, that was my very embarrassing answer to how I was. I’m not that fit but I’m a good walker, I can’t run but I can walk, when I had my osteotomy, the physio AND the surgeon both commented on how well I’d done to be walking as much as I did with my bunion. So I can walk. This Saturday, I risk assessed a walk the team is doing next month. It was 13 miles, it did not go well. Because apparently, I can’t walk those kind of distances anymore, without my piriformis muscle being extremely unhappy and causing issues. Christelle came with me and was not as broken, I was upset and mortified.

Of the 13 miles planned, we did 10 (and I did 13 miles over the day) but I need to plot some shorter walks for people who may not be able to do the whole amount AND I need to spent the next three weeks, doing yoga and stretching my pesky piriformis muscle so I can do the whole walk without being ‘broken’. Sue does 12 miles without blinking and she’s a decade older than me!

So Saturday was walking, Sunday was stretching and what I like to call, ‘fun with tennis balls and foam rollers’

The rest of the week was good, I had Monday and Wednesday afternoon off. Wednesday was to see ‘Nye’ at the National Theatre. Worth seeing, brilliant staging and a hell of a play to put on in an election. year. It put me in mind of this:

Which brings me to my reminder for those of us in the UK, there are local elections this week, please vote and if you’re voting, remember to bring ID!

My plan for this week, is work, stretching and sowing seeds. It’s a Bank Holiday next week so I have an extra day on the plot (assuming I can walk!) and no plans or commitments.

Have a good week!

*I hate having dirt under my fingernails and apparently always have, which makes my love of gardening ironic.

Dirty Fingernails

About nicdempsey

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