Allotment Adventures: Compost

Last week the compost arrived and I spent Monday afternoon working on the plot.

I’m not even halfway done but I planted new strawberries and topped up the planters, I also fed them. Other than watering and feeding them, that’s me done with strawberries for summer. If there are runners, I’ll pot them up but my plan is not buy anymore strawberry plants until 2026!

I also weeded, topped up and covered some of the empty beds at the front, there was some epic weeding and planting around the pavers that the blueberries and strawberries are on. My usual favourite herbs, lemon curd thyme and camomile lawn…

My plan is to extend the compost around the pavers out a bit and plant some flowers and other herb out there, but towards the back (by the mint bed and the rosemary) there a bed of ranunculus. I’m going to move that bed once they are done and make that a ‘perennial’ bed, I have a perennial kale coming and I’ll plant walking onions, the perennial leeks and whatever else I can think of over there too, if anyone has any suggestions! It’ll take a while to construct but it’s not like I don’t have lots of other things to sort out first…

This week is also the week that the tomatoes arrived. My plugs came from Brookside Nurseries and they look great but the stars of the plot are the plants that Sharon brought round on Saturday! Including some Black Russians. She’s my hero!

I’m back in London on Thursday and my plan is to spend some good time on the plot over Friday to Monday. The most important thing is plants in the ground. Tomatoes, courgettes, brassicas, aubergines and peppers. I have some winter squash that can go in too.

There’s a bunch of things that need sowing (more winter squash, cukes, kale and beetroot) so by the end of the weekend the plot should look very productive.

Other things to do are sort out the front and sides of the front of the plot and all the weeding, I also need to fix a raised bed. So there is plenty to do! My passion projects for the weekend are the flower beds, so we’ll see how it goes….

About nicdempsey

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