Bread Pudding

The most popular post on this blog is the one about my Grandad and his recipe for bread pudding. I’m not surprised, it’s a good recipe!

I always think more about Grandad around Remembrance Day, partly because he’s the only person in my immediate family that fought in WWII and partly because Friday is his birthday, he would have been 99.

At the weekend, I had some leftover Milk Loaf, so I made some bread pudding, which is a good way to remember him.

Bread Pudding close up

I bake a lot and this weekend I made a carrot cake and 2 batches of bread pudding (one to take to Jane’s who is always asking if I’ve made bread pudding). Both are very different cakes, both are good. Bread pudding is easier to make though and more special. It is a sentimental thing, but I have a hard time believing that my grandparents would have eaten much carrot cake, but I know that they ate bread pudding and my granddad taught me how to make it.

When I was staying at Ma’s in October, a coffee cup caused me to wax lyrical about how special it could be to use things that were used by your parents an/or grandparents. This recipe provokes that same sentiment in me. This is a family recipe, handled down by my Granddad (which he probably got from his time in the army rather than his parents!) and I made it in my kitchen while talking to my mother with pictures of my grandparents and my great-grandmother on the kitchen wall.

Granddad died when he was 83, nearly 16 years ago but this is how he survives, in photos and family recipes and the left handedness my brother and I inherited from him.

What about you guys? Do you have family recipes that have been handed down? What’s the most popular post on your blog or the one that people ask for?

About nicdempsey

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3 Responses to Bread Pudding

  1. Found this by chance… my grandad also bakes bread pudding (think it’s the only thing he can cook), now I want some too… it’s the taste of nostalgia. thanks for a nice reminder.

    • nicdempsey says:

      My Grandad could cook but did less and less as he got older. It was always a sad day when the bread pudding he brought round was bought not made by him! I hope you get some bread pudding soon!

  2. Pingback: White Bread | Nic Dempsey

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